There is nothing intimidating about a girl with a poodle.

Even though she is a vicious monster attacking dog.

Shes just too adorable to be taken seriously.
My roommate accidently left 3 ounces of 70% dark chocolate out for her to eat TWICE in November. That was two trips to the emergency vet in a sketchy part of Brooklyn, at 2 a.m. and faaaar too much money.
Heres what I've learned of what to do when you've poisoned your dog:
- Do not waste your time calling poison control. They don't deal with animals.
- Dont waste your time calling the ASPCA hotline. The try to charge you 65 dollars for advice, which in these cases, is always "Take your pet to the vet"
- If you're dog ate milk chocolate, I wouldnt panic too much because of the low cacao percentage.
- If youre dog ate dark chocolate, Id suggest a quiet panic, as to not excite the canine any more.
- If youre dog eats it within an hour or so, try force feeding it peroxide to induce puking. (1 tsp for smaller dogs, 2 tsp for larger dogs)
- According to this article, my toy poodle would have been able to digest charcoal pills. In retrospect, I should have given her a charcoal pill while continuously force feeding her water for 24 hours.
At the end of October, I went down to DC for the Rally to Restore Fear/ Sanity.
It was packed! Fun, but packed.
I'm hoping that this photo of my favorite Canadian, Bettina, help get her a green card.
For a peace rally, it was ironic that someone broke my favorite camera lens.
R.I.P. 50mm
At least theres other fun photo options out there.
What else is new? Too much and nothing, all at once.
I dressed up my fingers for halloween.
And made the perfect pumpkin with the help of my power drill.
I unpacked my suitcase, and settled back into my loft, just in time for the winter.
I saw the broadway musical that one of my favorite movies, The Birdcage, was based off of.
I made this awesome challah french toast (with Nutella instead of syrup) with the help of Ina Gartens recipe
I learned how to butcher a 295lb pig and use 90% of its parts for food.
I've been eating a lot of cereal.
I've been sewing things for my Etsy shop.
I want to make Bettina my official shop model.
I really enjoy sewing these Christmas ornaments. I may have Christmas in July, just for an excuse to keep making them.
I also really enjoy making these otters-ments!
I've been learning about lighting. both in studios
And around my house.
Been spending a lot of time hiding from the cold inside of the Natural History Museum.
I guess I've just been having fun just being ridiculous.
I see that the Napoleon Dynamite video I shot in 2007, recently got reposted.
As much as I dislike the movie, dancing alone like an idiot is something I will always love.
What's everybody doing for Christmas? I'm sending out packages of Pocky, instead of Christmas cards!
"I'd always thought what you did with Christmas was sort of a statement about where you stood in life." -About a Boy