I recently found this photo taken from Enola Gay after having dropped Little Boy over Hiroshima. It may be one of my favorite photographs ever.

courtneyriot's high school photo comes in for a close 2nd place, though.
I've been feeling a slight emotional malaise over the past week.
The worst part of being a positive person who is stuck in a rut, is that its been so long since I've felt this way that I can't remember how to cry. I just kind of sit around and stare at things while forgetting how to blink momentarily...
Evette said that drinking usually leads to girls crying, but after polishing off a bottle of wine, I just found myself drunk on my back in the lawn, chain smoking, and waiting for phallic clouds to form in the sky.

Fortunately, there's even positive things about being sad. For instance, if I wasn't feeling down, my friends may not have gone out of their way to make me smile and remind me of how lucky I am to have them:
- The other day I was taking a walk when my friend called, sang me this song, and promptly hung up because he knew I how much I hate talking on the phone.
- Rambo and I went on a walk where she let me vent and bought me tea.
- Someone drove down two hours down to LA to take me to the observatory and despite how cold it was, wouldn't let us go until I cracked a smile.
- Even my dog has been extra cuddly and even slightly less smelly.
I also find that when I'm bummed, low key music is the only thing that keeps my mind from wandering too much.
To celebrate my mope, I've made you a gift! Its a mix of some of my favorite songs from my most currently circulated albums. You can download it here...hopefully..
Caption that was found on the back of the above shown photo (circa 1923):
Despite the past week, this summer has been going swell and there is so much more to look forward to. I had such a fun time at Comic Con and had an equally amazing time at the Element Skate Camp, the following weekend.
Best photo to sum up my Comic Con adventure:
Best photo to sum up my Skate Camp adventure:
Heres a collection of my favorite photos I took through out July. (with the exception of the two photos I'm actually in)
This is gonna be my time. Time to taste the fruits and let the juices drip down my chin. I proclaim this: The Summer of George!
I took a couple of social networking worthy shots, during a fitting the other day.
On Saturday August 14th, some ladies and I will be prancing down a runway in these outfits, for the Ink n' Undies Lingerie Fashion Show Benefit. I'm excited to see some familiar faces and have mine covered in makeup and fake lashes.
I'd like to end this entry with this little slice of awesome:
I love this entire thing, but the dude jammin' 45 seconds into it really knocks my knickers.
As Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch would say "I'm outie like last year"
-Reagan/ Chloe