This morning i had a half an hour before work. 30 minutes to spare, filled with intentions of pointless internet updates, making olive cream cheese for my bagel, and fast refreshing showers.
But i think im developing a.d.d. as i age because as soon as i opened my computer and saw that there was an interview with Blueprint on the website, i got to excited to do anything else but drink coffee and listen to the 1988 album until i found myself 5 minutes late for work with nothing really accomplished.
I dont know if its because i've been working on a pc in an office with no windows, or because i've been working a job that doesn't involve fake eyelashes and long car rides everyday for 3 months straight, but sitting at a desk working with complete strangers that want nothing to do with you because you dont know what this seasons clothing trends are, is a fucking bum out.
Most of time at work is spent thinking about what little felt monster i'll be sewing up as soon as i get home.
i've been trying to work on ones to sell, but have ended up procrastinating on those ones to make random ones for my friends
like theeese!
I've also been taking pictures.
this little gremlin just farted on my lap.
im off for some febreeze and cigarettes.
Chloe St. Reagan
That's a BIG transition from the road life to the office life. Oh, and you don't get ADD as you get older, you just loose all patience and get real surly.
what kind of camera do you have babydoll?