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Razzi got her head tattooed by
Nak, the other day.
Nixon and I were there for the adventure...actually, i suppose i was there for the adventure since Nixon also got ink drilled into her skin, too.

The Girl With the Myspace Addiction.
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Living with Nixon in Los Angeles has been quite a pleasure.
She has the very odd habit of leaving every cabinet door open. I mean all of them. even those ones that are built waaaay to high to reach for in everyday kitchen browsing.
She gets to them everyday in various states of drunk and hung over...
She let me tag along for Bats Day at Disney. She ditched me in obvious embarrassment, since i was wearing a wife beater with jeans and she was drenched in black fabric and a parasol. It was quite an experience that i hope my camera will join me for, next time.

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Days have filled with Queens Of The Stone Age and watching ladies dance on ladders, as i do my best impressions for a zombified Britney Spears, in the mirrors of practice.
Nights have been consumed in cereal and diet cokes at the SG office.
My life seems to be all fun and games..although sometimes I miss my bed and Harlem. Where my days started off with black coffee, and ended in white wine.

Act like you arent excited to see these smiling faces coming to your little ole town, soon, and i'll try to pretend that everything about the following pictures doesnt make happy
I have to ask. I'm too curious. I'm taking care of this curious disease thing in me. Anyway, what happened to that face!??!!!?