I like traveling.
I love to leave and not tell anyone.
And for this reason, I hate having an apartment.
The only thing that is keeping me grounded to flying away for 2 weeks at a time, at most, is a shelf full of books and a 50 dollar tv.
Many people i know stay in bad relationships holding them back from going places they want to go, but THIS is my ball and chain.
I find it insane that the person behind me in the post office, the man asking if i need help while fucking around in a retail store, and the girl serving me my morning coffee will go home and write me an email asking to verify where i was that day so that they dont think i have a clone running my errands for me.
I guess my lack of journal updates only heightens this pathetic mystery.
The reasons i dont touch this journal-amongst other personable areas of the internot-are very simple.
I hate not having control over change.
And the only thing i will never be able to have control over, at this point in life, is the changing of websites.
Links that i used daily, no longer exist. Im sure they're are better and simpler way to read my friends journal entries in one lump sum now that the site has upgraded, but the fact that i have to dig my way around to figure that out, make me feel like a fucking moron.
And im not ok with being outsmarted by a computer.
insert a.d.d.....now:
+A List Of Things That Makes Me Happy (in pictures by yours truely):
p.s. for those who didnt get the memo.
I refuse to ever check my email again.
From now on, im going back to the glden age of REEEEAL mail!
Chloe St. Reagan
p.o. box 360
New York, NY
united states
So now, im expecting something in the mailbox, next time i check it.