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The past week has simply ment that i come home later than usual with the smell of burnt tabacco infested in my hair, and the smell of vodka on my pillows.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
This birthday was pleasnt, although i've spent the following couple of days longing for my childhood.
I went the Natural Museum of History. I walked the same path i do everytime i go in there, but this time i felt like a kid again. Specific sentences that i can remember saying to my friend when i was about 10, popped into my head.
I walked through the park and the feeling followed me.
When i got home, I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and watched
thison vhs

I think i'll keep this entry short, and end it with a tyrannosaurus with a revolver for a head, in my bedroom....and vomit
or 20?
or 19?