I shaved my head for St Baldricks. I got over $800 in donations and my hair is growing back fast...
I did the Santa Run again. I think we broke the record for most Santas. I did the 5K instead of the mile walk. It only took an hour. I had to put money in a meter and I had 8 minutes left on the meter when I finished.
Big party this weekend and my co-workers house.
Big party this weekend and my co-workers house.

Just saw the Goo Goo Dolls on Saturday and the Killers the week before. You got to love the outside show. I need new dress shoes - my ohter ones are falling about. I hate shoe shopping.

I went to the melting pot to eat tonight - boy was it good. I don't have to go back to work unitl Wednesday. Yea!

Hi hun Thankyou for your friendship request
I hope you have a fantastic christmas

I hope you have a fantastic christmas

My poor Astros lost and got swept by the sox.

thanks. just posted a pic of it in my journal...
Come on Astros - get your ass in gear!
not much to say - saw the 40 year old virgin. It was funny. Suppose to see Guys and Dolls this weekend. Watching the 'Stros right now.

thankies hun for the congrats... hows u this fine day

I wanna see that!!!
<-green with jealousy! haha
I hope they post my set someday... *cry*

I hope they post my set someday... *cry*
went to the Cub/Mariner's game yesterday. The Cubs won in the bottom of the ninth with two home runs. There were so many cubs fans at the game - you would have thought you were in Chicago.
We're still first in bowling and I actually had a respectable 186. The Ulong tribe is down to two. Chris should have been fired again. I still love XM radio! I'm looking forward to the Cubs/Mariners game on Saturday but I know parking is going to be a zoo.
Ok I like bowling again. We beat the first place team all games and now we are tied for first. I then say Erocktica at the Rio. It was an OK show with classic rock and topless girls. Tonight is The Apprentice with Erin still on it.
i passed the first step but now I have another 5 hour thing to go to on monday