Thanks to all for the happy birthdays smile It made me really happy because usually pretty much everyone forgets about it. About the monastery I went back during daytime to do a complete visit of it and it's cool but not creepy. But when the sun sets, thats when it gets really scary eeek
if it weren't for my son... i would never leave my bed.
I hope the birthday was fun. I always have to work on mine.
One of my friend made me discover something yesterday night, there's some kind of old and abandonned monastery that as been ravaged by the years and the squatters. It's so fucked up inside it's really creeping me out. I've been living here for years and i didn't know this place existed and it's like 5 minutes from home!!!!
happy birthday! kiss
happy birthday . hope the truck sells soon .. how haunted did the monestary feel ??
Well, I haven't had news about the guy who wanted to buy my truck so I guess I'm stuck with it. I'm so tired of waiting for it to be sold!!!!! mad
I get angry when people don't get back to me fast enough, too. I am so not patient. It's not cool.
i don't really feel sexy or beautiful, but thank you. kiss
Some guy came yesterday to see my truck!!!!! He did a long trip to come see it and seemed interested, he's supposed to call me back on thursday to tell me if he has the cash or not. I sure hope he buys it so I can buy my new baby!!!! smile
I have a baby, her name is Lilith. She eats mice. She loves me a lot. She is a ball python.
Well, I haven't had news about the guy who wanted to buy my truck so I guess I'm stuck with it. I'm so tired of waiting for it to be sold!!!!! mad
just got my summer car out smile smile
feels soooo good to drive and the power is amazing
This makes me giggle. I don't know much about cars. I am sure my father is super happy about that- He builds engines for a living. Oh well, he'll have to forgive me.
I just found that link tonight and I thought it was so touching I want t oshare it with you, many of you might already know it but I still want to repost it.

thanks for the comment on my set! kiss
Just got my summer car out smile smile smile
YYYYYaaaaayyyyyyy, got my second tattoo yesterday,and my first piercing. I went to Laval Tattoo (Great service and good job quality) and there was a cancellation so the guy said : "If you want it now I can do it" so I jumped on the offer. I got a tribal dragon on my right shoulder and my first piercing is my left ear.

WWWWWOoooooooohhooooooooooo, jai fait...
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I'm going tattoo design shopping today, maybe tonight i'll have a new one, or maybe my first piercing done.

J'va magasiner pour un autre tattoo aujourdhui, peut etre que jva en avoir un nouveau a soir! ou peut etre mon premier piercing...
I feel so depressed right now, but i don't really know why. I think it's a lot of factors like that one of my best friend is gone for a week on a trip to puerto plata and maybe the fucking cold weather. Plus one of my best friends seems like she's going away from me more and more each day so it's kinda hard...
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I just came home from seeing Hostel, Quentin Tarentino is a genius. Not really as horror as i believed it would be but very Gorey

Je reviens de voir L'Auberge, Quentin Tarentino est un gnie. C'est pas autant horreure que j'aurais cru mais au moins il y a beaucoup de Gore.