When I woke up this morning I realized that I'm in love!!!!! But I really don't know what to do about it cause she's way younger than me, she's only 16!!!!!!!! And I have a tendency to ruin those things. I realized that last night after I took her home she was the last thing on my mind and this morning she was the first thing on my mind and I can't think about anybody else since. I really don't know what to do or how to act
Please does anyone have any suggestions!!!!!! I need help bad!!!!!!!

now.. as far as this situation.. .. well.. damn.. i dont know what to tell you.. first off.. I am well aware that USA and Canada are very very different (good for you... with your gay marriage... le sigh... so jealous)... so is there a law that says you too cant be together.. ill just say if its against the law you might want to hold off.. however if its not then tell her.. go for it... you have nothing to lose and you know what.. you obviously have great intentions.. youre not just looking to get laid and take advantage of a young vulnerable girl.. you are in love... this should be a happy time..
if it is illegal (like she is a minor and cant be with you) you can find out what is legal.. Is everything up to intercourse legal? you might have to hold off on that if its against the law. it would suck to not be able to be together due to jail.
okay.. much love honey and please keep me updated.