A bit of retail therapy on the way home got me thinking about guilty pleasures.
I blame a UK film magazine, who started listing their guity pleasure films. So what qualified I hear you ask? Well they don't move you, the story line may be weak and they aren't going to win any awards. But boy what a ride
So I had to buy a couple of mine as they were on offer...a boxed set of the two Transporter films. By Luc Besson (who features heavily in the list...Taxi, The Fifth Element) so cool car chases, frankly outrageous fight scenes and a bit of French quirkiness thrown in. There goes the weekend
Since I'm in confession there are other sins to declare. The School of Rock is so up my street - you had me at "Jack Black rock film"
Any motor racing film regarless of plot..Grand Prix is a classic, Days of Thunder is pure cheese. The madness/genius of David Lynch in Wild at Heart. Oh and Face/Off.
Bit of a soft spot for comic based films. Hellboy I loved, and the first Batman films before the Clooneys and Kilmers killed the franchise off (hurrah for Christian Bale thought!). Even the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
But top marks to another of tonight's purchases...V for Vendetta.
I clearly need more than ten top films
I blame a UK film magazine, who started listing their guity pleasure films. So what qualified I hear you ask? Well they don't move you, the story line may be weak and they aren't going to win any awards. But boy what a ride
So I had to buy a couple of mine as they were on offer...a boxed set of the two Transporter films. By Luc Besson (who features heavily in the list...Taxi, The Fifth Element) so cool car chases, frankly outrageous fight scenes and a bit of French quirkiness thrown in. There goes the weekend
Since I'm in confession there are other sins to declare. The School of Rock is so up my street - you had me at "Jack Black rock film"
Bit of a soft spot for comic based films. Hellboy I loved, and the first Batman films before the Clooneys and Kilmers killed the franchise off (hurrah for Christian Bale thought!). Even the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
I clearly need more than ten top films
and thanks for the hug