Well I am here, trying to find a great artist at a decent rate, to do a tat that will have a lot of meaning for me. As a combat veteran, there is a saying that I heard when I first left the military and I am now seeing a lot more. "All gave some, some gave all" is a phrase that has very strong meaning and emotion for me, and when I can find the right artist, they will make me a very happy person.
Basically the tat will be like this, it will be a US flag looking like its in the wind, the first part of the phrase will be on top, and the second half along the bottom. Now part of me, is thinking of having the memorial we do for a fallen soldier in front of the flag. That memorial would be the boots, rifle, and helmet on top. As I said though, this individual that would be doing it, will have to be good...... no, great! Well if anyone stumbles across this and is near the Grand Rapids, MI area, point me in the right direction, they will earn great respect from me for their help.