Back in Portugal
This morning @missy was sweet and came to visit us on tour. She took us to Buzzmill for a pancake breakfast and then I went to take snap back on the bus since last night I had an accident in Houston,TX. A portable steamer fell on my leg and burned me pretty if tonight I look strange and bandaged now you know why lol
we all got little black hearts tattooed by @boomie and @katherine and I did a radio interview for KRZQ...tonight we play the Fillmore so see you soon SF xox
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excited for my facial and massage... Please cold go away!
everything is today hump day
All I can say is wow! Thank you Denver for all your hospitality.
@damsel you are so beautiful and sooo sweet! So far it's been a great experience. @sean thanks for a yummy breakfast @yugen it was fun getting our boobs out xo ...can't wait for the show tonight xo
Lightshade you guys rock!