Yay!!! I love spring and planting stuff!!
I'm sorry it's been so long since i've updated.I promise to try and do better.I've just had so much going on lately.I guess it's the whole spring fever thing. I'm sure you all can relate.
I finally saw the first Kill Bill(I know,pretty lame).What an awsome movie!!Now I must get to the theater to see volume 2 before I die from anticipation!
I have to get up early in the morning to babysit.I'm not really looking forward to it at all.I love my niece to death,but I get so paranoid something might happen while she's in my care.I hate being responsible for someone elses child.I've planned some activities that I hope will amuse her for at least the first couple of hours.Wish me luck.
Well, I guess I better get in bed so i'll have plenty of energy.
I'm gonna stop being such a slacker and start commenting in everyones journal again,I promise.
Much Love to you all!!!

I'm sorry it's been so long since i've updated.I promise to try and do better.I've just had so much going on lately.I guess it's the whole spring fever thing. I'm sure you all can relate.
I finally saw the first Kill Bill(I know,pretty lame).What an awsome movie!!Now I must get to the theater to see volume 2 before I die from anticipation!
I have to get up early in the morning to babysit.I'm not really looking forward to it at all.I love my niece to death,but I get so paranoid something might happen while she's in my care.I hate being responsible for someone elses child.I've planned some activities that I hope will amuse her for at least the first couple of hours.Wish me luck.
Well, I guess I better get in bed so i'll have plenty of energy.
I'm gonna stop being such a slacker and start commenting in everyones journal again,I promise.
Much Love to you all!!!

nobodys home.
