holy shit fuck ass all of it . i cant belive i went throught all that pain in 2 weeks its not fair ....
.fuck alaska i hate it. this state is the shit stuck to canada's asshole . i wish i could be back to albuquerque right now . i would go to i.h.o.p or maybe frontier. i dont fuckin know all i know is that i miss my home and eveyone in new mexico. FUCK U IF U DONT LIKE NEWMEXICO
I NEED TO RELAX . i need a drink . i dont know what im doing with my life please help me . iraq in august . dont i have alot to live for . my future is so bright , i wish i was blind ....FUCK,FUCK,FUCK,FUCK,FUCK,FUCK,FUCK. I HATE EVERYTHING . WOO SAAA, WOO SAAA,WOO SAAA .... FUCKIN SHIT DIDNT WORK ....YEAH I STILL HATE EVERY THING .salt lake city is the shitiest airport in the world. i hate those mormon fuck with every bone in my body.
.what else can i complain about ??????????? Well i dont know send me an idea and i will rant about it . i cant beive i had too travel with the most annoying people in the entire FUCKIN world why cant people carry guns on planes ?????
. i need to keep it in my pants next time i go home too much weird shit happens to me when i dont . PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF U READ THIS. im insecure and need reasurance that i matter too the world ... my life is shit