Android Women
I have a deep fascination with android women. I'll just tell you a bit how some of the films and comics that I have read have really affected me, and how they are very much ingrained in my personality.
The first time I ever really fell in love with an Android portrayed on the big screen was with a film called Weird Science with Kelly Le Brock. It was one of those cheap 80's wish fulfillment teenage sex comedies, but nevertheless I loved it immensely. It was about two geeks who with the power of a ropey looking computer and a bit of old fashioned bit of hacking,created this immensely beautiful, intelligent and powerful woman with a english accent and the capability of submitting to their every whim. Now that was the killer - she would do everything that you say, as well as making you popular in the school sense of the word. Now I was quite small, not very attractive, speccy, bullied but I was one of the most intelligent people in my Primary school. Now you would see how this would be so brilliant in my eyes, because it meant I could have a woman at some point, even if I did have to make her out of a few tin cans.
The next time I encountered Android girls was in Blade Runner. I think I watched this when I started to think about love and things, and there was a love story between Deckard (Harrison Ford) and Rachael (Sean Young) - (great way of spelling rachel though. maybe i'll use that for the birth of a future daughter). Loads of people have seen this movie and I only recently understood the whole Rick Deckard might be a replicant himself type thing. However at a young age I did pick up on the relationship they were having which was so sweet and so tender, when in fact she was supposed to be an exact copy of the replicants that he was trying to kill in cold blood. Now this confused the hell out of me and this further increased when I saw Daryl Hannah play Pris. Now I had seen her in 'Splash' and fell in love with her then but here she was so creepy and scary in a weird beautiful way. However she was still very tender and loving and when Deckard blasts her as she does that cartwheel I'm sure it must have flicked a switch in my brain somewhere. I'm not sure if this affects the way I see people but it does explain my Android women fascination.
The most recent Android girls that I have lately been fascinated with are the Japanese Manga Android creations. Now I have been reading and watching a manga/ anime story called 'Chobits' which is about how a sad lonely 18 year old happens to find on his way back from school the cutest little android blonde thing that you've ever seen. Her name is Chi .
Here is a combination of Blade Runner and Weird Science. She is Android who will serve only her master's needs, but the difference between her and the other Persacoms that exists is that she feels real emotional feeling like the Replicants that you see in Blade Runner. She hasn't been programmed with anything, She just feels. I'm not sure what this says about the mentality of the Japanese single male and female that this manga is so popular, but it's still cute as hell and I will always love this kind of stuff.
It almost broke my heart when I watched a side story in Chobits of an owner falling in love with his Persacom. She was an old series, capable of only accepting her programming, but nevertheless he falls in love with her and ends up marrying her. However she is an old version so as time goes on she starts to wear out and her hard drive gets corrupted. She starts to forget things more and more like she has a disease but nevertheless he continues to be with her. He tries to fix her but the shops say that if they do, there would be no hard drive left from before. This means that although she is the same model, she doesn't have the memories and personality that she has stored from their relationship. So he leaves her as she is and it gets to the stage where he cannot leave her alone as he is scared about what she might do, In the end he is so confused that he manages to find his way in front of a speeding truck with her. But in her last semblance of robotic life she pushes him out of the way and she is hit by it. She is unfixable and 'dies' but he feels that it was the memories that she has built that took priority over her programming. Damn if I was a few years younger I guarantee you I would have been crying like an Idiot.
Anyway. Longest journal I've ever done. Wanted to share with you part of my brain.
I have a deep fascination with android women. I'll just tell you a bit how some of the films and comics that I have read have really affected me, and how they are very much ingrained in my personality.
The first time I ever really fell in love with an Android portrayed on the big screen was with a film called Weird Science with Kelly Le Brock. It was one of those cheap 80's wish fulfillment teenage sex comedies, but nevertheless I loved it immensely. It was about two geeks who with the power of a ropey looking computer and a bit of old fashioned bit of hacking,created this immensely beautiful, intelligent and powerful woman with a english accent and the capability of submitting to their every whim. Now that was the killer - she would do everything that you say, as well as making you popular in the school sense of the word. Now I was quite small, not very attractive, speccy, bullied but I was one of the most intelligent people in my Primary school. Now you would see how this would be so brilliant in my eyes, because it meant I could have a woman at some point, even if I did have to make her out of a few tin cans.

The next time I encountered Android girls was in Blade Runner. I think I watched this when I started to think about love and things, and there was a love story between Deckard (Harrison Ford) and Rachael (Sean Young) - (great way of spelling rachel though. maybe i'll use that for the birth of a future daughter). Loads of people have seen this movie and I only recently understood the whole Rick Deckard might be a replicant himself type thing. However at a young age I did pick up on the relationship they were having which was so sweet and so tender, when in fact she was supposed to be an exact copy of the replicants that he was trying to kill in cold blood. Now this confused the hell out of me and this further increased when I saw Daryl Hannah play Pris. Now I had seen her in 'Splash' and fell in love with her then but here she was so creepy and scary in a weird beautiful way. However she was still very tender and loving and when Deckard blasts her as she does that cartwheel I'm sure it must have flicked a switch in my brain somewhere. I'm not sure if this affects the way I see people but it does explain my Android women fascination.

The most recent Android girls that I have lately been fascinated with are the Japanese Manga Android creations. Now I have been reading and watching a manga/ anime story called 'Chobits' which is about how a sad lonely 18 year old happens to find on his way back from school the cutest little android blonde thing that you've ever seen. Her name is Chi .

Here is a combination of Blade Runner and Weird Science. She is Android who will serve only her master's needs, but the difference between her and the other Persacoms that exists is that she feels real emotional feeling like the Replicants that you see in Blade Runner. She hasn't been programmed with anything, She just feels. I'm not sure what this says about the mentality of the Japanese single male and female that this manga is so popular, but it's still cute as hell and I will always love this kind of stuff.
It almost broke my heart when I watched a side story in Chobits of an owner falling in love with his Persacom. She was an old series, capable of only accepting her programming, but nevertheless he falls in love with her and ends up marrying her. However she is an old version so as time goes on she starts to wear out and her hard drive gets corrupted. She starts to forget things more and more like she has a disease but nevertheless he continues to be with her. He tries to fix her but the shops say that if they do, there would be no hard drive left from before. This means that although she is the same model, she doesn't have the memories and personality that she has stored from their relationship. So he leaves her as she is and it gets to the stage where he cannot leave her alone as he is scared about what she might do, In the end he is so confused that he manages to find his way in front of a speeding truck with her. But in her last semblance of robotic life she pushes him out of the way and she is hit by it. She is unfixable and 'dies' but he feels that it was the memories that she has built that took priority over her programming. Damn if I was a few years younger I guarantee you I would have been crying like an Idiot.
Anyway. Longest journal I've ever done. Wanted to share with you part of my brain.
i LOVE this picture someone posted in your journal: