I went to bristol last weekend to meet up with a few SG members milky, october and her boyfriend. that was a cool couple of days me seeing the sites of bristol and then on the next day visiting bath. I'll be back guys i'm sure!. although i might try and avoid getting drunk around bristol locals. i'm not sure they liked me very much or maybe it was that redbull induced paranoia. anyway my girlfriend nearly ended up getting into a fight with some blonde who didn't appreciate the fact that i wasn't too keen on the fact that i stopped dancing with her because she was a bit scary. other than that i had a great time eating and drinking and seeing lots of buildings. also meeting this guy.. Wookee he's cool.
- now my entry is going to get a bit a bit weird, funny and slight disgusting.
ok. today i was on the train going to work and i realised that i was getting a few funny looks. now this is nothing new but when i left the train and got out of the station i realised that something was attached to the velcro of my bag. it's was my girlfriend's bra. so i was walking in a train full of commuters with her bra hanging off my bag. i had to runaway and hide it before anybody else saw, but i wasn't sure what people must have thought about this!!
that was a funny morning story, but here is the slightly scary one. i was having a shower tonight and got out to towel myself. suddenly the light bulb exploded and the metal bulb smashed right near where my privates are. i feel something, but i just forget about it and get dressed. later on suddenly my girlfriend discovers that my shorts have red patches on them and i look down to discover that ..holy shit...i'm bleeding and my dick has a small cut on it. what happened was that as the sharp jagged blown up light bulb fell it must have grazed my penis and caused this wound! so now i have a bleeding cock. it's ok now because a bleeding has slowed down and thank fuck for that. i've got no lasting damage and it seems to work as it usually does!. this is a true story. i'm writing this journal with a wounded penis. seriously. well, could be worse.. !!
for my last surprise i'm going to post a picture of my arse because my girlfriend demands that i do. so here it is..
it's the colour of caramel apparently. hehe.
- now my entry is going to get a bit a bit weird, funny and slight disgusting.
ok. today i was on the train going to work and i realised that i was getting a few funny looks. now this is nothing new but when i left the train and got out of the station i realised that something was attached to the velcro of my bag. it's was my girlfriend's bra. so i was walking in a train full of commuters with her bra hanging off my bag. i had to runaway and hide it before anybody else saw, but i wasn't sure what people must have thought about this!!
that was a funny morning story, but here is the slightly scary one. i was having a shower tonight and got out to towel myself. suddenly the light bulb exploded and the metal bulb smashed right near where my privates are. i feel something, but i just forget about it and get dressed. later on suddenly my girlfriend discovers that my shorts have red patches on them and i look down to discover that ..holy shit...i'm bleeding and my dick has a small cut on it. what happened was that as the sharp jagged blown up light bulb fell it must have grazed my penis and caused this wound! so now i have a bleeding cock. it's ok now because a bleeding has slowed down and thank fuck for that. i've got no lasting damage and it seems to work as it usually does!. this is a true story. i'm writing this journal with a wounded penis. seriously. well, could be worse.. !!
for my last surprise i'm going to post a picture of my arse because my girlfriend demands that i do. so here it is..
it's the colour of caramel apparently. hehe.

i love her too- Amelie is my happy film with a bowl of ice cream for comfort
she is so beautiful in ' a very long engagement' even with a limp- bless her
No, it wasn't you and your injured knob I was talking about- soms dude on LJ voluntarily chopped the top of his cock off.