I really like this site. It's strange, because it is porn, but i've been very used to watching video and movies in order to get off, so pictures do not really do anything for me anymore. I don't even look at porn mags. So if this is the case, then this site should be a complete waste of money. However, the people i've met on the UK group have been really great, and of course it's always a great ego boost to hang out with good looking girls!.
I'm happier then I have ever been now. It's strange. It's good. I have a plan for the future. This year I will be earning money and getting experience for my CV, and next year it will be a masters or a teaching job in Japan. At the same time I want my girlfriend to do exactly what she wants, which is to be a hairdresser. At the moment she's earning money for charity work and having a good time doing it, but I want her to be truly happy doing something that will let her have a career as well as being something she truly wants to do. At the same time as thinking of myself i'm thinking of her at the same time. Is that Love? I want people i know to be true to themselves and be happy. I can't be selfish. I think happiness in yourself comes from this.

I'm happier then I have ever been now. It's strange. It's good. I have a plan for the future. This year I will be earning money and getting experience for my CV, and next year it will be a masters or a teaching job in Japan. At the same time I want my girlfriend to do exactly what she wants, which is to be a hairdresser. At the moment she's earning money for charity work and having a good time doing it, but I want her to be truly happy doing something that will let her have a career as well as being something she truly wants to do. At the same time as thinking of myself i'm thinking of her at the same time. Is that Love? I want people i know to be true to themselves and be happy. I can't be selfish. I think happiness in yourself comes from this.
I know what you mean about the site, and about pictures not being enough sometimes... it's the internet man. It's so saturated with porn you become desensitised.
Does that mean you'll be leaving us?