Hah, I knew I wouldn't bother being "active". If anything, I'm done here. There's no draw anymore. None. I'm NEVER here anymore, and I don't see any future activity from me.
Done. Fin'. Complete. My ties are cut, I've got other things to spend my money on. I have no reason to be here.
Where's my god damn credit. Where? Huh? That's what I thought....
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Done. Fin'. Complete. My ties are cut, I've got other things to spend my money on. I have no reason to be here.
Where's my god damn credit. Where? Huh? That's what I thought....
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Would you believe that I'm still alive? I wouldn't.
Mebbe I'll actually try and be active again, too... but I doubt it.
Mebbe I'll actually try and be active again, too... but I doubt it.
Know what kinda bugs me?! I emailed about setting up an MTG community on SG, and they never did it. Guess it wasn't "cool" enough.
I just got back from running the local Friday Night Magic tournament.... brain hurts from judging calls and small children who don't understand the stack or even the sequence of phases. *pain*
Happy Birthday!

Sorry I've been vacant... I suck. Things have been nuts.
Halloween was fun. I was a dead raver. My throat was slit and gory and everything... Opahl hooked up some prosthetic latex action and everything. I can't stand ravers, it seemed like a natural choice.
Opahl was the sexiest dead nurse from Silent Hill humanly possible.
Halloween was fun. I was a dead raver. My throat was slit and gory and everything... Opahl hooked up some prosthetic latex action and everything. I can't stand ravers, it seemed like a natural choice.
Opahl was the sexiest dead nurse from Silent Hill humanly possible.
Ok, soooo... my location that was previously marked was a joooooooooooke. I don't actually live in Gotham.
Batgirl. Get it?
I fixed it. Heh, whoops.
Opahl says hi to everyone! She's running around looking for her Spongebob hoodie.
Here's what's new:
I have a new kitty named Alucard.
I live with Opahl nowadays, and that's going VERY well.
We're having a blast.
My "career" is...
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Batgirl. Get it?
I fixed it. Heh, whoops.
Opahl says hi to everyone! She's running around looking for her Spongebob hoodie.
Here's what's new:
I have a new kitty named Alucard.
I live with Opahl nowadays, and that's going VERY well.

My "career" is...
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Yay, new cat!!! I keep trying to trade my baby for a puppy but noone will listen
I really want a puppy.
Yay, for living with people and actually getting along with them!
Yay, for gotham! Wait, is that DC??? It is, isn't?

Yay, for living with people and actually getting along with them!
Yay, for gotham! Wait, is that DC??? It is, isn't?
Batgirl Huh? I bet you could kick that Silverstone chicks ass!!!

Sorry I've been non-existant... I won't lie and say I've been too busy. Just distracted, really.
What've I been up to? Same old shit.
Magic stuff (Mirridion looks... interesting.), I've taken up MTG Online a bit, although I'm getting Shit for cards, really...
Crazy crazy sex. RAWR.
Chicago was Awesome. There's nothing cooler than sushi BOATS. BOATS I SAY. I bought a hentai-ish statue and...
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What've I been up to? Same old shit.
Magic stuff (Mirridion looks... interesting.), I've taken up MTG Online a bit, although I'm getting Shit for cards, really...
Crazy crazy sex. RAWR.

Chicago was Awesome. There's nothing cooler than sushi BOATS. BOATS I SAY. I bought a hentai-ish statue and...
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Im sorry you live in Gotham! What a small town... what in gods name is there to do?

Time for Chicaaaaaaaaaaaago... leaving in about 18 hours, give or take... more give than take.
Or whatever.
Chicago Comicbook convention for a couple days, and LOTS of being touristy.
I'm bringing "The Silver Surfer aka Slick Willy", AND "Papa Smurf aka FapFapFap".
Probably gonna use em both at the same time, too.
No, I'm not planning on telling what they are!
I need to put...
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Or whatever.
Chicago Comicbook convention for a couple days, and LOTS of being touristy.
I'm bringing "The Silver Surfer aka Slick Willy", AND "Papa Smurf aka FapFapFap".
Probably gonna use em both at the same time, too.
No, I'm not planning on telling what they are!
I need to put...
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shake shake shake.
shake shake shake.
shake your booty.
shake shake shake.
shake your booty.
Fear Before The March of Flames rocks. I Love em.
Possible Red Lobster tonight... hope so.
Things are good. I may be living with Opahl soon! Hopefully.
Possible Red Lobster tonight... hope so.
Things are good. I may be living with Opahl soon! Hopefully.
I'm kinda in the mood to do some lighter fuggin-around. I'd need some pliers...
And to be pretty stupid, in retrospect, for what I have in mind.
And to be pretty stupid, in retrospect, for what I have in mind.
Don't be stupid! 

You mean fuggin-around with a lighter, or lighter than your normal fuggin-around?
And it's only in retrospect if you don't realize how stupid it was until it's already done.
[Edited on Jul 27, 2003]
And it's only in retrospect if you don't realize how stupid it was until it's already done.

[Edited on Jul 27, 2003]
I've put pictures of my tattoos and piercings into my candids, if you get bored.
More tattoo-ness today. I'll try and get a picture up of my tattoos and piercings some day.
My legs are Sore. I can't say why.
My legs are Sore. I can't say why.
oh happy birthday!
xo annabelle