An opportunity recently came my way and I thought it was high time I got my butt on here! I have a set queued for preview on December 15th and I really really hope that you all will be there to send your love my way and get me on here as a Suicide Girl! The set is a bit tame compared to the classic 'RazorCandi' deathrock style that most recognize and know me for but don't let this discourage you as I plan many creative, artistic, sexy and fun looks for future sets*if* I get accepted as a SG, so I am asking that you all mark the date on your calendars and show love and support to get me on here! I'd love to continue modeling and creating new sets but I need you all to want it too

Anyway, in the meantime I have uploaded some albums that show off my past modeling work from 2004 until my most current work, my paintings, and my 'raw, candid, real' album which I will be posting more casual photos from my travels and other silly outings, I really hope you all can find the time to stop by and check out my albums and don't be shy - leave a comment! I am also planning on adding an album just for friends which will include artistic nudity so if this is something you think you'd want to see send a friend request my way
Last but not least you can also follow me on the links I have listed in my profile! Hope to see you there

Anyway, in the meantime I have uploaded some albums that show off my past modeling work from 2004 until my most current work, my paintings, and my 'raw, candid, real' album which I will be posting more casual photos from my travels and other silly outings, I really hope you all can find the time to stop by and check out my albums and don't be shy - leave a comment! I am also planning on adding an album just for friends which will include artistic nudity so if this is something you think you'd want to see send a friend request my way

Last but not least you can also follow me on the links I have listed in my profile! Hope to see you there

Who could imagine you weren't already a suicide. I'm dying to see your set, you are so gorgeous <3
oh my, you are here !!! <3 love you so much <3