Blah blah blah.......I just internet back at my house......oh yeah baby!!!! For how long I have no idea, I'm just the sponge but I assume that as long as I don't download much I should be fine. Anyway, I am working tonite at Tini's and we are extra late because of Alaska Day. Whoo-hoo!
See how thrilled I am? Well and so, I am on the third book finally of Jaqueline Carey's series; Kushiel's Avatar. It is such a good series, I'll be sad when I'm finished with it. Anyhow, outside of work I haven't been real productive, which isn't good for me. I have lost close to all motivation to clean my apartment. I can't clean my fucking Jeep because it's constantly pouring outside, and the same goes for my frog's aquarium. I spent half the money I saved for new winter tires on a fucking cell phone because I lost mine again.....and I have no groceries in the house. I think I'll go shopping for some tommorow. I have some Wanton soup for tonite, and a Lean Cuisine for at work......still I'm running on empty here at the house. Okie dokie, that's about it, outside the fact that Mr. Romance continues to ignore me when She-Bitch is around. I wish she would go away from my little circle. I really don't like her bullshit, and the drama she brings with her. She makes everyone feel used, and as soon as she is bored with you, she will toss you away like a piece of garbage. More on that later.....I'm starting to believe that I really am an anguisette. The way I torture myself loving Mr. Romance, I can't see much difference between our relationship and Phedre's and Joscelins. It is a torturous thing to be Kushiel's Chosen, and an anguisette, but I think I love it.

Yeah it's pretty cold here, too. Though I'm sure much more so in Alaska.
But that won't stop us three numbskulls.
I've been camping in really really cold weather before, and it wasn't plesant. But I'd do it again.
Which zombie movie, WWZ? Yeah it's another novel by the guy who wrote the survival guide. Apparently nobody likes it as much as they liked the survival guide.
But it instantly got a movie deal and Brad Pitt signed on to it.
I don't know much else other than that the book is sort of a post-war docudrama.
Could be good could be bad. Sounds like a boring book. But I could see the movie being good.