So my boyfriend called me today to tell me he was coming to town. YAHOO!!! It was he birthday awhile ago but he can't even get mail where he's at so I didn't even bother getting him a birthday present until today. I had to rifle through his collection of XBOX games before I felt comfortable buying him new games. So I go him, Brothers In Arms - Blood Bath ( or some such thing, I don't really get into the historic games, I'm more of an industrial girl (HALF-LIFE, Counterstrike, Halo, etc.) also I grabbed the lastest and greatest of the poker fascination, STACKED......sounds oddly like some cheap porno flick but honestly it is a Texas Hold 'Em game. I also picked him up a wireless controler, and the latest GQ with Will Farrell on the cover. He hasn't had a chance to open any of them, but other things took priority over the gifts.
Thank god, I was in some serious need of a little romp. Wanking yourself can only be fun for so long, after awhile it gets old, no matter how many sets get put up, there's just something about the real thing that can't be replaced. Anyway I just logged on to state that I am indeed THE WORLD'S MOST KICKASS GIRLFRIEND......