So I have wasted this entire day. I am sick with a cold so I don't have much energy or motivation to do much of anything. I slept for 12 hours. I saw the sets today and the Lady Justice piece really got my motor running. I did a few Google searches trying to find a pair of those cute "FUCK BUSH" panties but to no avail. I did however find this fantastic website called the ANTI-BUSH VIDEO GAME, and it was so much fun. I love old Nintendo games and that's what this reminded me of. It was so sweet, my favorite part was fighting Paris Hilton. You accquire more characters as the game goes on but I got 5, I think. Fighting Paris as Christopher Reeve was pretty interested. Not quite as difficult to manuever in an electric wheelchair as one might suppose. Anyway great site, takes a few minutes to load but this game kicks ass, and is totally education. Which doesn't sound like it should be in the same sentence but it's true.
Still waiting for my Silent HIl "The Exprience" to get here in the mail. It should be here by next week sometime, but I'm sick of waiting already. I should replay #2 that was a good one, or I could start over and go thru the series. If they come out with one for the PSP, I'd definetely buy it.
Time to go back to sleep...laters everyone.
Still waiting for my Silent HIl "The Exprience" to get here in the mail. It should be here by next week sometime, but I'm sick of waiting already. I should replay #2 that was a good one, or I could start over and go thru the series. If they come out with one for the PSP, I'd definetely buy it.
Time to go back to sleep...laters everyone.