WoW!!!! Today was supposed to be my day off and I had to work....I guess I can't complain too much because it was slow but I really could have used the rest. Considering that this is going to be a huge week...(poker starts back up, plus Rough House Boxing, and on Sat. MIDGET WRESTLING) but oh well. I am still totally lagging on moving in to my new place. My downstairs neighbors are fukmooks. They called my landlord today to tell her I have been moving furniture after 9pm and that it's really loud. Ridiculous! I don't own any furniture yet.....I have a matress that lies on the floor without a box spring, headboard or even a fuckin' frame. That's it, not even a TV.......this laptop though. Anyway, enough bitching besides those fruzzles don't deserve a whole lot of space in my journal. I need to get some sleep...cheers mates

Hey, thanks for writing back! Yeah, there are no sg's in Alaska, so it's a little difficult to find someone to hang out with or even talk to. I have have a firend whose family has fished in elfin cove for years. Anyway, Awesome to meet you (kind of) what bar do you work at in Juneau?
AHHHHH!!!! This is crap! I just wrote you like a huge msg. and it deleted it and jumped to the main screen. It's because my computer is a piece of shit, but hey I guess that's what you get for building it from misc. parts. So I bet I can guess who your friend is that has fished in the cove. Being that it's such a small town and I know probably 90% of the people that come and go regualarly, and seeing as you are from Fairbanks, would only be logical to deduce that Gabe Emerson is the answer. The Emerson's have been friends with me and my family for as long as I can remember. They are such cool people. So geez I know I can go on and on but briefly I'll tell you that I work at Marlentini's. It's technically a sports lounge but it's also a comedy club, a boxing showdown house, a poker and pool league host, karoke bar, and much much more. We also serve alcohol.
Who woulda known? So tell me a litte about you outside of your fantastic profile.......who is the cute lil lassy in your pic? What does your screen name stand for? Am I being to robotic with these questions?
I love using these retarded smilies.....I'm seriously just strange like this. Ohhh.....yeah and do you enjoy splunking, urban exploration, or ....... __________ (fill in the blank with your favorite activity). Well I'm fried and it's 2 am as usual so I'm out but drop me a line. And tell Gabe I said hey!