I had a very uneventful day at home. Spent lots of time outside with my little one. I was hoping to get some sun on my pasty white legs. I have an interview tomorrow at Lakeview Marina to serve. Hopefully it goes well. Its only a few nights a week and its outside near the lake plus there is karaoke every Wed so I think I will really like it.
In other news, Im thinking of trying the paleo diet and starting cross fit...I dont want to just be skinny but strong as well. I have lost a ton of weight but Im still to saggy for my liking lol.
I had to take my piercings out for the interview tomorrow and will have to keep them out for the job. It makes me sad and I feel naked
I suppose thats all for now, Im not feeling very wordy this evening. Much love to all
In other news, Im thinking of trying the paleo diet and starting cross fit...I dont want to just be skinny but strong as well. I have lost a ton of weight but Im still to saggy for my liking lol.
I had to take my piercings out for the interview tomorrow and will have to keep them out for the job. It makes me sad and I feel naked

I suppose thats all for now, Im not feeling very wordy this evening. Much love to all

Thank you 

Hope the interview goes well.