@kely ok, first off- I joined SG to support a friend, not to get laid (seeing as how I already have an insanely hot girlfriend). But while I'm a member, I try to support hopefuls that put a lot of work into their sets and considerable efforts in becoming SG's. Isn't that what this site is about? Secondly, based on your profile comments, YOU seem to be the one creeping on the girls on here, so maybe you should take your own advice. Because being bitchy makes you really ugly, regardless of how much "vag" (your words) you throw at people. You commented on someone, publicly on their profile in a way meant to be hurtful and tear her down, in an attempt to make yourself feel better for not having what it takes to make SG. Only a supreme arrogance would lead you to believe that only you were allowed to voice your opinion. Your profile says your 'leaving SG', well, if all you can do is be bitter and bitchy, and try and call out anyone who disagrees with you then - please, please, feel free to leave
wow, I can literally see the maturity on the site declining.
I swear this @kely is something unique. In the fact that, like every troll on the Internet hating everything, she hates herself more.