it is a good day for a celebration, i was driving on international av. in east oakland and now i stopped at my friend hector's cell phone shop, comcell, right next to talk of the town, there is a big barbque here, mariscos and carne asada, there are mushrooms from isla de mujeres, mota from michoacan, some nice red hair sativa grown in shasta co. by some veterano who lives in a school bus on an indian reservation and my scissor hash rolled in dominican fronte leaf, and a special jug of blue agave tequila that is 50 yrs. old and was brought here by a man who grew up on the ranch that grew this agave azul, it is his birthday and this jug was sealed fifty years ago when he was born, he is a guest of honor, there are people here from every part of mexico and central america that i have ever been to, the tequila is smooth, the shrooms are startring to kick in, i am starting to speak in loud spanish just can't take me anywhere.....!VIVA LA RAZA! feliz cinco de wanna ride, mami???
Bucky Sinister's funny! I used to do like 4 open mics/features a week, Chameleon, Paradise, Yakety Yak, Sacred Grounds, Jammin' Java, etc., etc.
Um...If you're kinda old, what am I?
Um...You "lost your virginity" to a babysitter when you were 7? I'm sorry. What kind of sick f*ck would do that? A pedophilic babysitter, I guess.
[Edited on May 07, 2003]