sunday morniing got me down, i awaken to a lot of stress and problems that require immediate solutions before they increase in dimension and overwhelm my life completely, fuck, lifes random lottery seldom favors me these days, it is just odds, and coincidence, and i drew a short straw at 3 am that led to my current situation, now i have to call a lawyer, i hate a sunday morning that you need to call a lawyer because you can't wait til monday, anytime you have to call a lawyer on sunday it is a sign you are about to lose something, or something has already been lost, and i hoped my losing streak was over, and then bam, rear ended by life's twisted caprice, could have happened to anyone, i think i will get used to public transportation for a while, or move somewhere that i have never been before to regain my bearings on life, it seems like my options are bleak, but i did just wake up, maybe a walk will help clear my mind, or calgon will come take me away.....pistols at dawn...
god, that is fucking brutal. i know and hate that feeling of trying to reason with that fuck not to call. my car story... my asshole stepdad and my mom sold my all original mint spring loaded hurst three speed '68 firebird with 90k miles behind my back when i moved to LA. insult to injury... they sold it for $1300 to the guy painting the house. and i told them to call me if it ever got to the point where they were gonna sell it cause i knew they couldnt bear to just let it sit in their fucking driveway for a year or two. no call, no chance to take it over to pops driveway.
oh really?? what do you see in the name gingerlie?