you spend a good chunk of life running, no destination, just running to keep moving, and you develop strong legs and good wind, but the mind takes a beating and it goes bad on you sometimes and it takes all you got just to keep the keel in the water when the sea gets rough, and the stress causes accidents that take a toll on your physical being, a break, sprain, bruising or joint damage, and the injuries start to add up, and the amount of pain you feel every morning begins to slow you up, but it is not a consistent slowing, some mornings are better than others, and you live for the days when you get up and the pain isn't so bad and the weather is nice and the lovin' is good and the activities are stimulating and the food is nurturingand the buzz is complimentary to the atmosphere and the music you hear is great and the vibe is positive and the energy is bright and the feelings are strongly felt and the passion is there and the sun sets near a beach or a mountain top and the night is filled with sensations and sexual encounters and it lasts for a long time until it is near sunrise and you close your eyes and rest them, then enjoy more lovin' and raise up and chef a super fulfilling breakfast and then relax and bask in the memory of the goodness of the previous day. i haven't had a day that lead into another like that in a long time, i figure i am due, as long as i keep running, keep moving...
buju at the avalon ballroom...afterhours at jelly's or end-up or dna or something clubby, i don't know, what are you gonna to make some money...
I love sunsets.