the war is raging / we are bombing / constantly / they fire missles / irregularly / we have an air / supremacy / yet it is still a viable war / as it causes death and destructuion / even though from television pictures / a simpleton might conclude / that we are fighting a madman / with a moustache and an army / of concrete buildings / these concrete buildings can't outrun / our modern jets and helicopters / but i did see a picture of a building / shooting back / and this bores me / so i start masterbating / and i feel better / in fact, i feel so good / that i wonder why masturbation / doesn't replace war altogether / i mean all this effort into / flying jets with joysticks and missles / and bombs that are supposed to be smart / but still look like dicks to me / it just seems that it would take a lot / less effort to jack- off than to go to war / and maybe that is the key / maybe it takes great effort for current / world leaders to masturbate in a satifactory way / so great an effort that war just becomes / the easy way out for them / i can see the way they all look / as they parade by on the t.v. screen / so-called world leaders, presidents, generals, emirs, kings, prime ministers and so forth / and i notice they all have this / very tense look on their faces / as if they were caught / mid-stroke by a news camera / no wonder they are so sensitive / to media coverage / it's the biggest circle jerk in the world / being done by a bunch of guys / who have great difficulty with masturbation / and i just shake my head in disbelief / and feel confident that i can lay back / and masturbate myself contentedly, in peace / knowing that when i am done / i won't have to explain things away / like dead mothers / dead children / scorched homes / oil spills mixed with blood / or poverty created by / my need to be satisfied / all i will need / is a lil' toilet paper / to wipe up my mess....
gonna go pick up some milk thistle on my break tonight.
it's nice here today....upper 50's i'm guessing, but they're forecasting rain, snow, and a drop back down into the 30's for the weekend.
March in Minnesota....April's usually nice though.
wet, but nice.