i have suffered injury and am having problems getting to communication devices, i will be a lil' delayed in writing for a moment, i suffer and dream of a better time soon...
the thing about livin' life is that you almost have to incur some type of damage so you can activate the ability of your being to heal and adapt a;most as if it was an exercise to create a stronger constitution, or at least that makes me feel better about my recent brush with the reaper, you know it is good to kiss the ground some times after you've encountered some turbulence or a high-jacking attempt, or if, god forbid, you own hi-jacking attempt fails and ends in some lopsided gun battle with elite socom anti-terrorist units and you end up taking your own life because it would just be too much to take that you will be remembered, no matter what else you had accomplished in life, as the "blundering" hi-jacker. that was one of my opiated deleriums while i waited for the ooze to stop coming outta my head and the effects of the concussion to wear off. there are some things you don't mind losin' and then there is the shit you just can't give up or its like dying, and i have had too give up both kinds of things in the last couple of weeks, but new things come along and i just keep goin' cuz i just got to make it somewhere that i might be able to catch my breath and figure out a couple a things in world where life is seemed bent on overwhelming itself and that dream of a huge conflagration of armies that number in the millions seems like it could become a reality any minute or maybe that is just a new show they're getting ready for ratings week, but yeah, its not so bad being alive anyway, cuz there has gotta be some good lovin' goin' on during an armegeddon and i need some good lovin', dammit....it was so close and now it seems so far.... so yeah, go ahead with that prophecy fulfilling already....
[Edited on Mar 11, 2003]
Razor spelled backwards is the French equivelant...some bizzaro dude in-line skating around Paris....Rozar is his name, chicks dig him.