i watched mars rise last night and saw it dissolve into the horizon as it set while i was in a boston whaler setting hooks for albacore 150 miles off of pt. reyes this morning...i was hungover and tired and there was a meteor shower that lasted even after the first rays of sunrise....there is a suprise party for my best friend that starts saturday night and will end monday morning when i drop him into the custody of the california dept. of corrections...ironically, we watched that movie 25th hour by spike lee together last week and now we find out his work furlough won't keep him out any longer....i am about to use up a bunch of my club courtesy this weekend in frisco and oakland, probably won't sleep from saturday morning til monday morning....its the price you pay to properly say good-bye for now....i have to put a dog down, she is 8 yrs. old with a multitude of health problems and damage done in an attack by 2 oakland police dogs while she was leashed to her kennel in her own backyard, opd says they will pay for the gas but i take care of my own....dead albacore have such a stare, you look into their eyes and you try to imagine what they have seen deep in the oceans of the world, constantly swimming so fast chasing food and mating opportunities, and now dead by my hand at the fish monger's scale, i will tip a drink for them now, proud, fast fish headed to beverly hills restaurants to be fileted and steaked....i try not to let my murderous job get to me too much, but i do get tired of having to do rich people's dirty work...the blood covers me from years of doing it in different capacities...i do their murdering and tend to their whores and provide them with a place to spend their filthy lucre on illegal and immoral activity....i come from a long line of unhappy slaves in this respect....but noone does it better and i don't have too many other skills at this late point in the game...i just keep writing it out....
Do you remember that "gang" with the "death list" you were telling me about on the phone the other night? What was the name of that? Email if you want, just let me know please.