i am in a place called smiley's...thew computer is a buck for 10 minutes...i live in a cave on a ridge in the wilderness with 3 pitbulls and a shotgun...i found some mushrooms in a meadow this morning...my ex-girlfriend is the bartender and she keeps giving me shots of hornitos and doesn't know i ate about an oz. of fresh shrooms...time is always running...1 year ago today i was in marriage counseling in beverly hills and i had a suite at mandalay bay that my wife was hiding from me in....she never came out and i lost evrything i had worked for in the divorce...she dances at cheetah's now and is pregnant from some invesatment banker she met on the sunday morning shift...i owe 18,000 dollars to credit card companies that i will never pay...someone just told me i was charming like an icepick...i spent half of the eighties and 1/4 of the nineties in prison...i write to keep from killing again...i drink and drug to ease the pain that killing causes...i have sex because that is the only time i feel normal...everyone says i drive too fast but i still feel like i will never catch up...the shrooms are kcking in and i think i am noticably high to the tourist patrons of the establishment...one more shot and i will challenge one to a duel in the street just like an old western movie...i am a genre that came and went...two minutes left...twenty cents...a dime...then silence...
fun times had by all
i hope you are doing well sweetie. *hugs*