Ha ha! 2 parters rule. now for a little more action. When we last saw our intrepid hero, he was talking to a beautiful young lady. Nothing ever goes good in Alenia, so let's see what happens. Plus Gren is coming back for revenge. Without any further ado..........
"I'm quite fine thank you." As she spoke, she looked into Raziel's soft blue eyes and saw them get distant, as if he were a million miles from her. "What is you're name sir?"
Raziel snapped from his reverie and looked at her. "Raziel, yours?" Smiling Raziel leaned in close to her.
"My name is Starla. My uncle runs this inn." As she looked inside, her uncle came out. He set down a bottle of wine between them and smiled.
"You two kids enjoy yourselves, drink up." He nodded to Raziel before going inside. "You're pretty good with a blade. Almost as good as one of them legendary warriors, like Kurai Mitsukai, or Rafe Chamberlin. Keep it up and people all over Alenia will know your name too." He looked briefly at the Masamune, leaning on the table edge before going inside.
Raziel poured Starla a glass and smiled faintly as she began talking about her life in Shadrith. Raziel knew no one here remembered the young boy who left to study under Syphe Equinox and live amongst the Shaduryn for all of his boyhood. Inside, Raziel was unsure of why he had come home, he only knew that he had. No one even recognized him after over two hundred years. Rightly so, since most of the ones who were alive then had passed on, but the few Celara like him were still around. Looking back to Starla, he noticed how happy she was describing all of the places she used to play when she was little. Most, Raziel noted, were the same ones he played at before the Maelstrom Horde of Karantouh Idran came.
"So, where are you from if I may ask?" Starla smiled as Raziel poured her another glass.
"I'm from... Elad, out on the Eastern Sea. It's a Shaduryn city." Raziel caught himself from saying Shadrith, and checked himself inside. "My family sought refuge there during the Maelstrom War. They just stayed on after that." Raziel did his best to hide the pain of what had happened then. All of the violence, the death, mother, father.... Raziel shook his head and looked at her. "Sorry, just a little tired I guess."
Starla had laid her head on his shoulder and gone to sleep from the wine. Raziel scooped her up and carried her inside, where her uncle stood, smiling. Motioning to Raziel, he went upstairs, and showed Raziel her room. As he was about to close the door, Raziel stopped him.
"You know who I am don't you?" Raziel looked into her uncle's eyes.
"I know you're Celara, ant that you carry the Masamune, once carried by Syphe the Brave." Her uncle smiled as Raziel tilted his head slightly.
"Daelin?!" Raziel stepped back and smiled a little at the man in front of him. "'So what Alexandre said is true, the Halo are hidden everywhere in plain sight." Raziel nodded and started downstairs, Daelin behind him. Raziel walked to the door and nodded to Daelin. "Take care. I'll be back this way soom."
As Raziel was walking through the now dark streets of Shadrith, he had the feeling that something wasn't right. Dodging right, he watched a massive war quoit fly by. Whirling, he drew Masamune and looked about.
"You insulted me today, little man. Now I'm gonna kill you!" Gren came flying from the top of one of the buildings, along with his fifty man horde. They all took up a position surrounding Raziel, licking knives, axes, and all other manner of weaponry. Most were giggling at the idea of killing him, and that suited Raziel just fine.
Around him, Raziel drew a circle with the tip of the Masamune. Looking up he nodded to the henchmen. Sheathing Masamune, he closed his eyes.
Within seconds, the horde all rushed in, one at a time. One after the other fell at Raziel's feet, until they finally just rushed in together. A flash of light sent all but Gren flying back, bloody and broken. Raziel turned to Gren and pointed Masamune's gleaming, curved blade at him. "Gren, I will not let you ruin my home with your scare tactics and threats. Leave forever or die now." Raziel lowered Masamune and stood awaiting Gren's next move.
Gren raised his double-bladed battleaxe and charged Raziel. When he swung his blade went right through Raziel, who suddenly vanished. Gren moaned and touched his neck, feeling the blood running down onto his chest. Gren stumbled and fell, his head rolling away as he hit the ground. Four of his henchmen, who had lived through the ordeal all cowered before Raziel.
"Please don't kill us. He forced us into thi...." Raziel stopped him from speaking and smiled. "I know, i'm Celara. Now, go home to your wives and children and put this vermin behind you. Godspeed." They all breathed relief as Raziel stood up and sheathed Masamune. Turning, he started walking out of town again, heading back north toward the Dark Angel Empire. Along the side of the road was a caravan of Shaduryn merchants. Raziel waved to them, before walking over at their beckoning. Sitting down by their fire he was soon asleep, amongst the only people he truly understood.
"I'm quite fine thank you." As she spoke, she looked into Raziel's soft blue eyes and saw them get distant, as if he were a million miles from her. "What is you're name sir?"
Raziel snapped from his reverie and looked at her. "Raziel, yours?" Smiling Raziel leaned in close to her.
"My name is Starla. My uncle runs this inn." As she looked inside, her uncle came out. He set down a bottle of wine between them and smiled.
"You two kids enjoy yourselves, drink up." He nodded to Raziel before going inside. "You're pretty good with a blade. Almost as good as one of them legendary warriors, like Kurai Mitsukai, or Rafe Chamberlin. Keep it up and people all over Alenia will know your name too." He looked briefly at the Masamune, leaning on the table edge before going inside.
Raziel poured Starla a glass and smiled faintly as she began talking about her life in Shadrith. Raziel knew no one here remembered the young boy who left to study under Syphe Equinox and live amongst the Shaduryn for all of his boyhood. Inside, Raziel was unsure of why he had come home, he only knew that he had. No one even recognized him after over two hundred years. Rightly so, since most of the ones who were alive then had passed on, but the few Celara like him were still around. Looking back to Starla, he noticed how happy she was describing all of the places she used to play when she was little. Most, Raziel noted, were the same ones he played at before the Maelstrom Horde of Karantouh Idran came.
"So, where are you from if I may ask?" Starla smiled as Raziel poured her another glass.
"I'm from... Elad, out on the Eastern Sea. It's a Shaduryn city." Raziel caught himself from saying Shadrith, and checked himself inside. "My family sought refuge there during the Maelstrom War. They just stayed on after that." Raziel did his best to hide the pain of what had happened then. All of the violence, the death, mother, father.... Raziel shook his head and looked at her. "Sorry, just a little tired I guess."
Starla had laid her head on his shoulder and gone to sleep from the wine. Raziel scooped her up and carried her inside, where her uncle stood, smiling. Motioning to Raziel, he went upstairs, and showed Raziel her room. As he was about to close the door, Raziel stopped him.
"You know who I am don't you?" Raziel looked into her uncle's eyes.
"I know you're Celara, ant that you carry the Masamune, once carried by Syphe the Brave." Her uncle smiled as Raziel tilted his head slightly.
"Daelin?!" Raziel stepped back and smiled a little at the man in front of him. "'So what Alexandre said is true, the Halo are hidden everywhere in plain sight." Raziel nodded and started downstairs, Daelin behind him. Raziel walked to the door and nodded to Daelin. "Take care. I'll be back this way soom."
As Raziel was walking through the now dark streets of Shadrith, he had the feeling that something wasn't right. Dodging right, he watched a massive war quoit fly by. Whirling, he drew Masamune and looked about.
"You insulted me today, little man. Now I'm gonna kill you!" Gren came flying from the top of one of the buildings, along with his fifty man horde. They all took up a position surrounding Raziel, licking knives, axes, and all other manner of weaponry. Most were giggling at the idea of killing him, and that suited Raziel just fine.
Around him, Raziel drew a circle with the tip of the Masamune. Looking up he nodded to the henchmen. Sheathing Masamune, he closed his eyes.
Within seconds, the horde all rushed in, one at a time. One after the other fell at Raziel's feet, until they finally just rushed in together. A flash of light sent all but Gren flying back, bloody and broken. Raziel turned to Gren and pointed Masamune's gleaming, curved blade at him. "Gren, I will not let you ruin my home with your scare tactics and threats. Leave forever or die now." Raziel lowered Masamune and stood awaiting Gren's next move.
Gren raised his double-bladed battleaxe and charged Raziel. When he swung his blade went right through Raziel, who suddenly vanished. Gren moaned and touched his neck, feeling the blood running down onto his chest. Gren stumbled and fell, his head rolling away as he hit the ground. Four of his henchmen, who had lived through the ordeal all cowered before Raziel.
"Please don't kill us. He forced us into thi...." Raziel stopped him from speaking and smiled. "I know, i'm Celara. Now, go home to your wives and children and put this vermin behind you. Godspeed." They all breathed relief as Raziel stood up and sheathed Masamune. Turning, he started walking out of town again, heading back north toward the Dark Angel Empire. Along the side of the road was a caravan of Shaduryn merchants. Raziel waved to them, before walking over at their beckoning. Sitting down by their fire he was soon asleep, amongst the only people he truly understood.
Utter and complet awesomness....like you said godspeed....you rock raziel