Did a walk for PTSD Awareness last week. It was a good turn out even if it was on a Thursday and after most people get off work. So many people to do not seek help. Thinking then do not have it. Also believe it is only someone that was in combat or an assault. Which is far from the truth. PTSD can be from anything tarmac that effect your mental health Fear if they seek help no one will believe them. I tell others keep looking till you find a therapist that does, and you feel comfortable with. I had to. Much of my PTSD is from the time I lived in Israel (IDF)and from sexual assault from childhood and it was hard to find a therapist here in the USA to believe me and help me. If know someone you believe that might have PTSD have a talk with them. Same goes if you feel you might have OTSD seek help or at least talk to someone.