This Roe vs Wade ruling is absurd. I did not think for one moment I will have to teach my granddaughters none of this in the 21st centry. That someone has control over what they do with their own body. Espically when it comes to an unwanted pregnancy, such as in rape. everyone that knows me, knows I love children. However, I know I am not the one that has to live with whatever choice that has to be made to have an abortion. I feel it has always been up to the women to choose and decide on what they want to do. Yes, even when it came to one, I helped create. Once giving all the options, let the women decide. It is their body no one elses. With this ruling I fear it is going to trickle down to other areas of womanhood and motherhood.
I believe every human as the right to their own body and what they do with it.
I am just giving my opinion on this since I have been asked from a few people.
A sad day indeed, I am visiting family and their are in support of this. It goes with their Christian believe and it makes me so sad they do not see other wise