Want to say this before it gets too late. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanza. May you each receive much joy and happiness.
I want to treat myself a gift this year. However, after going over my budget that isn't going to happen. Unless I want to leave a few kids out. I have 14 grandkids 1 great grandson and still a 7 year old son. My 5 adult kids I don't get them nothing.
Grated i am very thankful that I still young enough to enjoy them...
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Happy Veterans Day to all my friends and family all around the world. Thank you for your service to the countries you live in.
It is a shame I have met folks that feel this way towards me. Poo on them.
I will not be speaking to anyone this coming Monday. I don't want all my pain and anger to slip out onto my friends here. Unless you are a very close friend that gets it and me.
To each human being, may this be our year of more happiness.
Shoes don't need a person to be shoes.
I think me need to give Chatters some credit. It can't be easy to come up with the right words to use. And to pretend to be someone they are not. They are actors in a way. But there are no retakes for them, so it as to be right the first time. Or recover quickly after saying the wrong phrases are used.
I know...
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On what makes SOTD counts been lowered or what? I don't get it. It used to be at least 2K. Don't get me wrong I am glad the get the front page. However, what about all the ladies sets that have over 2K and not SOTD.
How does a set with low loves and not a very active member get SOTD? Makes me wonder so much.