I am very impressed with the sg-help. Whoever is running it and replying is doing an superb job. Also, very quick on answering back. Like in one day. Thank you to whoever helped me, I appreciate your service.
UPDATE: My second email to them someone actually replied back. So I am thinking my first one went to the company they use instead. But SG corrected everything and even sent me back a particle refund. So I am happy.
SG payment center are butts. They sent me an email saying to update my payment for my renewal, though it was correct. And then instead...
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Happy Kwanzaa and Boxing Day to all my friends and family that celebrate these two today.
Got my Calander yesterday. That took forever. It was mailed out on Dec. 7th with UPS on the 8th it was two hours from me. Then it went to the east coast. Then UPS transferred it to USPS on the 12th but wasn't picked up till the 19th. I got it on the 21st. I didn't understand when they switch carriers. Plus, it looked like...
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Happy Hanukkah everyone. It starts at sundown today, wherever you live. (In Israel it started). Read the stories, listen to the music, light the candles and it a jelly filled doughnuts and tons of Latkes.
It is not and never will be about presents, cards or money. It has been about courage and faith. About staying true to one's faith. That nothing will keep you...
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Rosh Hashanah In a Nutshell
The festival of Rosh Hashanah—the name means “Head of the Year”—is observed for two days beginning on 1 Tishrei, the first day of the Jewish year. It is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, and their first actions toward the realization of mankind’s role in
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I tried to be looking around but can't find anything on this. Does anyone know what ever happen to the Suicide Girls snapchat take over. Did they delete it or what? Just wondering.
This news really breaks my heart and soul. I admired this Lady so much as a little kid. I was 6 months old the first time I seen her on TV. (My mom had me wacthing OTS). I know she was my first crush at 6 yrs old. And she forever will be. (Still think she is the hottest and sexiest Lady there ever will...
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To all my friends and family, may you have a glories day today.
Would have liked to be there today with my family way up in Grande Prairie to celebrate with them. Nerveless will live the day through everyone's posts.
Did a walk for PTSD Awareness last week. It was a good turn out even if it was on a Thursday and after most people get off work. So many people to do not seek help. Thinking then do not have it. Also believe it is only someone that was in combat or an assault. Which is far from the truth. PTSD can be from...
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Happy Father's Day to every type of Father out there. (Listing them would be long)
Happy Juneteenth to those that celebrate it.
It is going to be a great day for us here. Going to a Juneteenth event this morning. Then a Father's Day brunch.
Then later to celebrate my son's 5th birthday.
Much Peace and Love to you all.