w00ty w00t ramble blog!!!! so i did a good deed today... i worked my ass off picking up trash along one of the highways!! i had a little too much fun for being soooo sweaty and well picking up nasty ass trash!!! i even kicked a dead bullfrog toward my friend but missed but in my defense she threw a weird missouri bug on me that was dead!!! i stepped in a hole almost fell in a pond and we found some interesting items such as nasty ass rotted pair of panties (that was fucking disguisting), dirty diapers, lots of potted meat cans, beer and liquor bottles, tooters, pipes, foils and full bottles of prescription meds one being xanax... no i didnt keep them although the thought did cross my mind!!!! and in other news my photographer informed me i should have my cd next week with my sets on them!!!!

ew rotten panties