Well its canada day!! whooo friggin hoo!!! I got booze, i got a place to drink and cheezy fireworks to makeout under.....I remember back in the day when i use to go to canada really messed up and the fireworks use to make me sick, now they just make me sick no matter what. Whats the big kicker with fireworks anyway? Im probably wearing a coat tonight bc like everyother day in sudbury, its freezing!!! I really wish i can just pack up and head to Florida for the rest of the summer. On a brighter note, i got alot of hours at work now, so that means more tattoos and drinking!!! dont get me wrong in not an alcoholic or anything, i just really enjoy the 3 times a month that i do drink. Besides, it seems like i remember my drunkin moments better then my sober ones. The plan for tonight is, Sphinx and I are heading downtown and knockin back some drinks, watch the fireworks and shit with some friends, and then probably hitting up a party at the usual party spot" Kil The Flow". And my buddies band is playing at "seven". should be good times. check out the song " Ashes" by Far From Heroes @ www.farfromheroes.com, its a great tune. later!

dont forget passing out in my truck downtown.
yeah don't forget