well im in this already established band called skyliteyes, its sounds like a combo of thursday, deftones and silverstien, the band has some wicked mp3s. But anyways, i just got home from the lady friends place and we had a good time last night, i saw some family members at a bar near Sphinx's place it was pretty cool. well the date for my tat is next tuesday hopefully, if not the sometime during that week. Im really stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but anyways i got to have a cig and cash in some of these subway stamps to get myself a seafood and crab sub!! hahaha tastes tooo good. im such as orphan, i depend way too much on my gf to get me free shit from her work. i gotta go for a ride!! later!!
heh silly orphans
Hey there! Im glad u hate spiders, I hate them too ... with every fiber of my being. Why such hatred for snakes? Most of them are pretty cool ... as long as they arent like .. rattle snakes, Ive had nothin but bad experiences with them!