Okay, so that week was not the ideal week to start a workout program. It was my birthday and them my husband's birthday and we spent most of the time in between drunk. The week pretty much went as follows. Fit test Monday. Work out Tuesday. Eat too much Wednesday and then stay up tripping over my drunk feet. Concert Thursday. Vodka Friday. Fight Night Saturday and more Vodka at home. His parents Sunday... more cake... Margaritas Monday and the rest of my birthday Vodka. Sad. Bye bye Vodka.
Yeah, not the best workout conditions.
I started over and have worked out almost every morning for 2 weeks. Im so sore.
Yeah, not the best workout conditions.

I started over and have worked out almost every morning for 2 weeks. Im so sore.
Gratz on doing it for 2 weeks now.
Thanks, sweetheart. ;*