Been feeling terrible last couple days. Slept wrong and my gods damn neck hurts! Work... I do enjoy fucking with people. One of my big bosses showed up yesterday was talking to me while I was ringing her up. She looked over to another of the employees and said Hi and asked her how she was doing. I told her. "Oh don't talk to her. You'll spoil her heir of brooding." I was given the look that I might have crossed a line.
I am a Finalist in two grant scholarships. If I get even one I get a grand, if I get both two. Feeling hopeful. Been cutting my meat consumption down. Figured might help the weight loss as I don't seem to be able to stick to the whole... working out thing. Substituting grapes for late night snacks, actually tired tofu. Made a tofu onion and cheese burrito today. Not bad. '
Taking some test to enter SJSU tomorrow at 2. Fun stuff.
Saw Evil Dead the other night. Not bad at all. I enjoyed it. Not as funny as the original, wasn't even trying to be. But loved the new stuff added and the bits they chose to leave in.
I am a Finalist in two grant scholarships. If I get even one I get a grand, if I get both two. Feeling hopeful. Been cutting my meat consumption down. Figured might help the weight loss as I don't seem to be able to stick to the whole... working out thing. Substituting grapes for late night snacks, actually tired tofu. Made a tofu onion and cheese burrito today. Not bad. '
Taking some test to enter SJSU tomorrow at 2. Fun stuff.
Saw Evil Dead the other night. Not bad at all. I enjoyed it. Not as funny as the original, wasn't even trying to be. But loved the new stuff added and the bits they chose to leave in.