So Friday night I am walking up to the house coming home from work. I see a silver jeep parked out front. It's just sitting their idling. I get about 15 feet from the jeep and the chick inside floors it and charges at me. I leap spin out of the way and kick the door in the process. All this while screaming out "the fuck is wrong with you?" She continued through the stop sign and barreled through the park, never stopping to even say fuck you.
My hip was tweak Saturday, but fuck it. Really no harm done. Just wondering who the hell that was.
Far as work.
The job is pretty fun. The people there are enjoying my company. Apparently I am funny.
The manager keeps asking "Who did you kill in Southern California? What are you running from?" After he found out I did security for some reason. So now I follow with, "well if only I can stop murdering people long enough to do ______." whenever I am asked to take on a new task. This seems to tickle everyone around me. I tell them "its a hard habit to break. Like trying to give up smoking."
They let me graze there while packaging things. Also more fun! I have been trying out some FANCY ass cheeses! Shit that's like $20+ a pound. Sometimes feel like I need a tux and monocle. I do jut out the pinkie when I get a hold of something particularly expensive. Also, lots of fancy chocolates and strange veggies that I have no experience with.
Getting out of the house is also a bonus and so far work hasn't interfered with my D&D gaming on Saturdays! The Aunt and Uncle seem mixed about me being out of the house so much of the week now though. Not sure if they are going to be getting better or worse with it as the weeks pass.
Had a nerd argument on Saturday.... one I lost.
Okay, this D&D group is a bunch of college classmates from English. The DM is a chick from my English class, her boyfriend is a player. Two of the other players are classmates a dude and his boyfriend and a chick and her husband. The chick and husband thought they were the oldest ones there. She's 27 and he's 32. So. He busts out with a Simpsons reference, not even sure WHAT the reference was now, but then someone starts saying something like, "The Simpsons have been on for like eons". Okay. So I nod and say yeah since like 85. [I now know I am wrong here.] The dude then corrects me with, "No man. They've been on the air since 89." Wounded I try to salvage a minor bit of pride here and retort with, "Well I was thinking about the shorts on the Tracee Ullman show. That was a bit earlier that 89."
He and I back and forth about that for a few more minutes now with the argument that the Ullman show doesn't could as the Simpons because it wasn't there show. THEN he starts in about how "The Spirit of Christmas" is not the beginning of South Park! Which I completely disagree on.
The look of confusion from the others at the table. . . 18-21 year olds. . . was enough for us both to realize we had carbon dated ourselves and both look like a couple of old ass nerds even to these young nerds. At that point we both dropped it.
Moral of the story? I was wrong. I hate being wrong.
Also, I renewed my SG account.
My hip was tweak Saturday, but fuck it. Really no harm done. Just wondering who the hell that was.
Far as work.
The job is pretty fun. The people there are enjoying my company. Apparently I am funny.

The manager keeps asking "Who did you kill in Southern California? What are you running from?" After he found out I did security for some reason. So now I follow with, "well if only I can stop murdering people long enough to do ______." whenever I am asked to take on a new task. This seems to tickle everyone around me. I tell them "its a hard habit to break. Like trying to give up smoking."
They let me graze there while packaging things. Also more fun! I have been trying out some FANCY ass cheeses! Shit that's like $20+ a pound. Sometimes feel like I need a tux and monocle. I do jut out the pinkie when I get a hold of something particularly expensive. Also, lots of fancy chocolates and strange veggies that I have no experience with.
Getting out of the house is also a bonus and so far work hasn't interfered with my D&D gaming on Saturdays! The Aunt and Uncle seem mixed about me being out of the house so much of the week now though. Not sure if they are going to be getting better or worse with it as the weeks pass.
Had a nerd argument on Saturday.... one I lost.
Okay, this D&D group is a bunch of college classmates from English. The DM is a chick from my English class, her boyfriend is a player. Two of the other players are classmates a dude and his boyfriend and a chick and her husband. The chick and husband thought they were the oldest ones there. She's 27 and he's 32. So. He busts out with a Simpsons reference, not even sure WHAT the reference was now, but then someone starts saying something like, "The Simpsons have been on for like eons". Okay. So I nod and say yeah since like 85. [I now know I am wrong here.] The dude then corrects me with, "No man. They've been on the air since 89." Wounded I try to salvage a minor bit of pride here and retort with, "Well I was thinking about the shorts on the Tracee Ullman show. That was a bit earlier that 89."
He and I back and forth about that for a few more minutes now with the argument that the Ullman show doesn't could as the Simpons because it wasn't there show. THEN he starts in about how "The Spirit of Christmas" is not the beginning of South Park! Which I completely disagree on.
The look of confusion from the others at the table. . . 18-21 year olds. . . was enough for us both to realize we had carbon dated ourselves and both look like a couple of old ass nerds even to these young nerds. At that point we both dropped it.
Moral of the story? I was wrong. I hate being wrong.

Also, I renewed my SG account.

I cannot see the world making sense without one.
who the hell is out to kill you? o_O