Holy Crap on a Cracker! I have been in this area for the last three years, lets say, and this whole time I have been trying to find a group of gamers to possibly join up with. This quarter in an English class I find a fucking gaggle of gamers! Then they point me out to a shop nearby they game at. This place was fantastic! It's in one of those malls, the ones that are half dead, so apparently the real estate was cheap enough for them to open THREE shops in the mall. I walk into the first... a shitty board game store thinking "Why would they want to meet here. There's just like a couple of packs of card games?". Out of the corner of my eye one my way out I spot what appears to be one of those anime and comic shops most malls have. I stroll in, its their comic branch! But again, no RPG's. So I talk to the cashier, a cute little girl with a batman shirt and utility belt to match. She is bubbly and friendly and points me to the store across the way. And there is a badass RPG branch of the series of shops! I have never been in an RPG shop complete with gaming tables and rooms as well as a community fridge with an honor bar system for candy and drinks! That just blew me away! So neat! All the smiles are mine right now!
Dude, it's always cool when you can find a good game store. Played in some hilarious games back in the day at a local shop. Even had a birthday party for a friend at one, where we needed one of the replica braveheart swords off the wall to cut the cake.
Haha, I bet it did!