I hit 201 lbs on the 2nd of the year... so I decided I was going to actually work on my weight and start actually working out, instead of just saying I am going to. Weird. After all of three days I went from 201 to 190, now... to keep doing it.
School starts tomorrow. Been trying to work on my sleep schedule but that shits all kinds of fucked up.
So to recap.
New Years Resolution.
Finish your GODS DAMN BOOK YOU LAZY FUCK! Waiting on my computer to get back from being repaired... again.
Find a girl to partner to that, does not have kid(s), is not currently in a relationship with someone else, is not 1000+ miles away, has a job, an education and ambition enough to want more than she has at the time with a path toward that goal.
Get into University (kind of useless as I was accepted to San Francisco State University and now also Cal State East Bay), kickass at said University.
Meet 10 more people that you can enjoy the company of within driving distance. Working on this by talking about going camping sometime this year. Already a few school friends are talking about going with.
Try your best to get your head in order.
Try to accept the things you cannot change and change the things you can. Brother is 14 days off Meth, sister is accepting that her bf is a loser may leave the prick without me pointing out how much of a loser he is. He has already been reduced to "babies Daddy". So this is helping.
Either end toxic relationships in your life, or live with them being toxic and limit the impact it has on you. See above.
Understand it is NOT your job to fix people. See above.
Cut back your vices. Reduced jerking off, started drinking tea instead of Soda.
Save money and pay on your debts. Flat fucking broke. But not digging any deeper.