I know I sound like a masochist, but I cared deeply for _luvthis_ and even now I miss her and wish her the best in life and all her pursuits. I wish her no ill will and I don't wish people to lash out at her or feel they need to defriend or punish her on my behalf. If she is attacking me, or anyone else, I know she is doing it out of hurt and frustration. Please understand she is a good person and is just trying to deal with things in any way she can and maybe misstepping in her frustration. I cared about her deeply and still do and don't wish her any harm in anyway. Remember that many of you loved her for her kindness and loving nature and although you are frustrated with her right now deep down you can sympathize with her situation and know she needs help to get through this.
If you have anything negative to say about this blog please just PM me or keep it to yourself. Judging me weak or a push over is fine. Sometimes you just need to yield to allow the pain to pass.
Know that I love many of you here and know that I hold a special place with you, so please understand when you hurt _luvthis_ on my behalf or just because you feel frustrated about how she is handling this you are also hurting me. Please everyone just let this pass.

If you have anything negative to say about this blog please just PM me or keep it to yourself. Judging me weak or a push over is fine. Sometimes you just need to yield to allow the pain to pass.
Know that I love many of you here and know that I hold a special place with you, so please understand when you hurt _luvthis_ on my behalf or just because you feel frustrated about how she is handling this you are also hurting me. Please everyone just let this pass.

I'll be sure to give you a brohug next time I see you