And look what I found!!!
My wonderful Grandpa!!!...I'm a little sad, he died, now who will walk me down the aisle one day?
He was the nastiest, funniest, most strange person in the world. While laying in the hospital bed several diff times before his death, he would press his emergency button just the get the nurse to come in to his bedroom. I witnessed it once, not knowing her reason for coming was because he had secretly been pressing this button without telling anyone in the room..She walks in, he says...
"My love, where have you been all my life?"
Nurse:"Mr.Guzman, are you doing alright? I noticed you pressed your emergency button"
"Oh I'm good, REAL GOOD" (talking like a complete perv)
He looks over at me...and says
"This is my nurse, she's SOSooo sexy"
.....hes a weirdo...
AND AlSO on several diff occasions I witnessed the sexual harassment of my grandmother, his daily routine was to sit on this one specific chair ALL day, he had a radio that played cassettes where he listened to his music, he ate there, because she served him hand and foot...he never moved unless he had to pee, he would take naps sitting up.....anywayz back to what I was saying, anytime my grandmother would get within hands reach he would grope her everything, get a handful of breast, a slap of the ass...anything he could...his hormones ran high til the day he died...
I miss him
My wonderful Grandpa!!!...I'm a little sad, he died, now who will walk me down the aisle one day?

He was the nastiest, funniest, most strange person in the world. While laying in the hospital bed several diff times before his death, he would press his emergency button just the get the nurse to come in to his bedroom. I witnessed it once, not knowing her reason for coming was because he had secretly been pressing this button without telling anyone in the room..She walks in, he says...
"My love, where have you been all my life?"
Nurse:"Mr.Guzman, are you doing alright? I noticed you pressed your emergency button"
"Oh I'm good, REAL GOOD" (talking like a complete perv)
He looks over at me...and says
"This is my nurse, she's SOSooo sexy"
.....hes a weirdo...
AND AlSO on several diff occasions I witnessed the sexual harassment of my grandmother, his daily routine was to sit on this one specific chair ALL day, he had a radio that played cassettes where he listened to his music, he ate there, because she served him hand and foot...he never moved unless he had to pee, he would take naps sitting up.....anywayz back to what I was saying, anytime my grandmother would get within hands reach he would grope her everything, get a handful of breast, a slap of the ass...anything he could...his hormones ran high til the day he died...
I miss him

you have a new friend....