Haven't heard anything back from the Clinique counter but I no longer care because on Thursday I got another call to attend an Interview yesterday (Saturday) and I GOT THE JOB!!!!! You are reading the blog of the new senior manager at BOO Party Packagers Superstore!!! In case you didn't realize it before this is a huge Halloween party superstore. Everything from decorations to high quality costumes and anything else you might nee or want for All Hallows Eve.
Originally when I heard about thios job I wasn't very interested. I applied because I was applying to almost everything. It also mentioned a possibility of long term employment (which I later found out wasn't a possibility at all). Oh well. What is happening is from September ( I start next Tuesday) until November 4th, Guelph is temporarily opening a Halloween store. So the position is temporary and contract but by the time I am finished on November 4th ( when we take down everything and send it back to a warehouse and the box store goes back to being unoccupied and empty,) I can start looking for a jobs around Christmas time so I am hoping it won't be too hard to find other employment during that time and if not, I will still have more money in my pocket.
Needless to say I am pumped and very excited. Going into the interview I was somewhat indifferent but when they said they were thinking of offering me a management position, my face much have lit up like a Christmas tree so much in fact that they laughed out loud and figured that I was definitely interested. I was in the interview with another girl who would be a sales associate and we both were offered the job at the end of the interview. I am also pumped about this job because I am senior manager meaning after this job is over I can apply to any management position I want and have a chance of getting it! This job although busy and exhausting sounds like a lot of fun. Some days we will get to dress up, we get 40% off all costumes and decorations in the store, we will have draws and prizes for the highest selling employee like gift cards and movie passes! Also the staff I met all sounded really chill.It will be long hours and long weeks. they basically said if I wanted the hours they were mine so I might be working more than 40 hrs a day and probably a lot of 12 hour days. The hard part will be setting it all up (which we will start doing on Thursday the 8th) and taking it all down. Anyway I am excited and can't wait and judging by just being offered this management position (without prior management experience) I am going to work my tail off and hope to impress! Wish me luck!
Anyway just wanted to all let you know that I am employed again and super excited about it. I know I know I may be complaining in a week but for now I am going to bask in my happiness!!! I also made it my status because I am so excited! I hardly ever change my status.
One thing I am upset about is Guelph which is a pretty tiny city compare to some others just raised their bus fare to $3.00! Like seriously for the size of this city and the shitty bus service, that is totally unreasonable. Just to show you hos shitty are bus service is, From September to April they have service on Sunday but only until 6 pm. Every Sunday I worked at the hotel I had to take a cab home and wasted a huge part of my pay on getting hone, In the summer Sunday bus service is eliminated completely! Also during the summer the buses come every 30 mins. instead of every 20 which means the different between employees leaving an hour early and being early or late to work! Also almost everyone I know takes the bus so it affects everyone not just a small percentage of Guelph's population. Half the time when I take the bus I can barely move because they are usually always full. I am just really glad bus pass fares haven;t gone us and I will still be paying $72.00/mth for my adult bus pass. Anyway that is just my rant since I will soon be taking public transportation every day again.
Other than that there is not too much to report. I know my membership is expiring in November but I will most likely be back especially since I never log out or even close my SG page. Hahahaha.
Lots of love
Hugs and

Originally when I heard about thios job I wasn't very interested. I applied because I was applying to almost everything. It also mentioned a possibility of long term employment (which I later found out wasn't a possibility at all). Oh well. What is happening is from September ( I start next Tuesday) until November 4th, Guelph is temporarily opening a Halloween store. So the position is temporary and contract but by the time I am finished on November 4th ( when we take down everything and send it back to a warehouse and the box store goes back to being unoccupied and empty,) I can start looking for a jobs around Christmas time so I am hoping it won't be too hard to find other employment during that time and if not, I will still have more money in my pocket.
Needless to say I am pumped and very excited. Going into the interview I was somewhat indifferent but when they said they were thinking of offering me a management position, my face much have lit up like a Christmas tree so much in fact that they laughed out loud and figured that I was definitely interested. I was in the interview with another girl who would be a sales associate and we both were offered the job at the end of the interview. I am also pumped about this job because I am senior manager meaning after this job is over I can apply to any management position I want and have a chance of getting it! This job although busy and exhausting sounds like a lot of fun. Some days we will get to dress up, we get 40% off all costumes and decorations in the store, we will have draws and prizes for the highest selling employee like gift cards and movie passes! Also the staff I met all sounded really chill.It will be long hours and long weeks. they basically said if I wanted the hours they were mine so I might be working more than 40 hrs a day and probably a lot of 12 hour days. The hard part will be setting it all up (which we will start doing on Thursday the 8th) and taking it all down. Anyway I am excited and can't wait and judging by just being offered this management position (without prior management experience) I am going to work my tail off and hope to impress! Wish me luck!
Anyway just wanted to all let you know that I am employed again and super excited about it. I know I know I may be complaining in a week but for now I am going to bask in my happiness!!! I also made it my status because I am so excited! I hardly ever change my status.
One thing I am upset about is Guelph which is a pretty tiny city compare to some others just raised their bus fare to $3.00! Like seriously for the size of this city and the shitty bus service, that is totally unreasonable. Just to show you hos shitty are bus service is, From September to April they have service on Sunday but only until 6 pm. Every Sunday I worked at the hotel I had to take a cab home and wasted a huge part of my pay on getting hone, In the summer Sunday bus service is eliminated completely! Also during the summer the buses come every 30 mins. instead of every 20 which means the different between employees leaving an hour early and being early or late to work! Also almost everyone I know takes the bus so it affects everyone not just a small percentage of Guelph's population. Half the time when I take the bus I can barely move because they are usually always full. I am just really glad bus pass fares haven;t gone us and I will still be paying $72.00/mth for my adult bus pass. Anyway that is just my rant since I will soon be taking public transportation every day again.
Other than that there is not too much to report. I know my membership is expiring in November but I will most likely be back especially since I never log out or even close my SG page. Hahahaha.
Lots of love
Hugs and

I'd never expect to put one over on YOU... 

Congrats and good luck!