This week has been chaos for me!! The is so much drama going on that could so easily be avoided with a calm head and an open mind, IT'S RIDICULOUS! Basically long story short my Godsons mom decided to walk out on him about a month ago and I just found out this week because she and I have been out of touch, due to the fact that she is now dating my ex and has decided not to talk to me after 16 years of knowing each other and being friends. So I have now basically been playing the role of "mommy" to my Godson along with his two aunts and his grandmother, and he has his Godfather to be daddy.
It's funny how something crazy like this can bring unsuspected people together, I mean don't get me wrong I love the guy I have been seeing this past year but I'm basically raising a baby with someone that I don't really know much about but he is a great "father" and sometimes it makes me wonder if I've been so set on finding the specific love that I "want" that I just pass up what God has thrown right in front of my face and said this is your place in this world. I don't know just craziness.
It shocks me how two parents can just walk out on a baby that isn't even 5 months old yet and the horror stories of how they treated him it just shocks me that none of us knew what was going on behind those closed doors. Any girl can spread her legs and get knocked up and decide that she wants to get the child but it takes a mature woman to really step up and be a mother and care for and tend to a child and put all her needs second to his. This past week I have had so many people say what great mother I will be and I can't wait to have my own child and go through all the experiences of motherhood but honestly I'm already a mother to a beautiful little boy, I have taken care of him since he was first born and I will be there for him no matter what, he is my baby, it's true how they say you don't know real love until you look into the eyes of a child and lord help the person that tries to harm my Godson again, I'm officially a lioness protecting her cub, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
In good new though, I have a photo shoot scheduled for the 17th of this month and I'm super excited and nervous about it! I'm also going to hopefully going to get my first car at the end of this month or the beginning of next for m birthday gift! :D I can't wait to not have to share a car with my mom anymore haha well I'm sorry the good news was cut a little short my mind is still going crazy trying to wrap itself around everything else.
I love you all and think I might of figured out how to get pictures up I just have to take some :P