Blogy blogy blog. So this weekend was amazing, what I can remember of it anyways
First on Friday I took an adventure to La Mirada for a photo shoot with the 420nurses. I was such a nerd I got super excited when I saw the gas prices out there
SERIOUSLY!!! It was amazing compared to the 3.86 I pay in my own town. I just had to take a picture of it.

Now I'm not one to get high, like ever although I used to but that day I just couldn't help but eat the rice crispy which was delicious but I was so high I just ate and ate and ate cupcake after cupcake. It was ridiculous my friends couldn't stop laughing at me because I am just so stupid and out of it when I'm high. But I did manage to take an awesome picture of a lady bug
My next adventure was Saturday. I went to dance rehearsal which also went amazingly we got so much accomplished and cleaned up and my friends were being such dorks!
they photo bombed like all my pictures!!
I also discovered that I love silhouettes they are just adorable
After dance I had to drive to Newburry Park which is a good hour or so away from me to pick up one of my best friends/my wife and bring her back home with me for the weekend
she thought it was a good idea to take pictures of the driver with the flash and completely blind me!! Then she was jumping all over the place from the front and back seat because she was wasted mc.wasted.
Once we got back to my town we went to my other friends birthday party and got more wasted haha the life of my friends and I lol we have great times
Introductions: this darling blonde on the left is Jamie she is super amazing and I totally have a crush on her we are in a "flirtationship" since I have a boyfriend sadly. And the girl between my legs is Maria my little russian whore of a best friend <3
This is my baby mama Michaela and my god son Noah in her belly
This would be Alexis
Preparing for body shotssssssssss
my wife about to get drunkkkk from my body

So I'm done bloggy now and it's just pictures from the weekend

my mama hanging out with us
So i never do my makeup but recently I bought some and this was the first time I actually put it on, not too shabby
Last but not least my first set will be up for review on June 13 @7pm

First on Friday I took an adventure to La Mirada for a photo shoot with the 420nurses. I was such a nerd I got super excited when I saw the gas prices out there

SERIOUSLY!!! It was amazing compared to the 3.86 I pay in my own town. I just had to take a picture of it.

Now I'm not one to get high, like ever although I used to but that day I just couldn't help but eat the rice crispy which was delicious but I was so high I just ate and ate and ate cupcake after cupcake. It was ridiculous my friends couldn't stop laughing at me because I am just so stupid and out of it when I'm high. But I did manage to take an awesome picture of a lady bug

My next adventure was Saturday. I went to dance rehearsal which also went amazingly we got so much accomplished and cleaned up and my friends were being such dorks!

they photo bombed like all my pictures!!

I also discovered that I love silhouettes they are just adorable
After dance I had to drive to Newburry Park which is a good hour or so away from me to pick up one of my best friends/my wife and bring her back home with me for the weekend

she thought it was a good idea to take pictures of the driver with the flash and completely blind me!! Then she was jumping all over the place from the front and back seat because she was wasted mc.wasted.
Once we got back to my town we went to my other friends birthday party and got more wasted haha the life of my friends and I lol we have great times
Introductions: this darling blonde on the left is Jamie she is super amazing and I totally have a crush on her we are in a "flirtationship" since I have a boyfriend sadly. And the girl between my legs is Maria my little russian whore of a best friend <3

This is my baby mama Michaela and my god son Noah in her belly

This would be Alexis

Preparing for body shotssssssssss

my wife about to get drunkkkk from my body

So I'm done bloggy now and it's just pictures from the weekend

my mama hanging out with us

So i never do my makeup but recently I bought some and this was the first time I actually put it on, not too shabby

Last but not least my first set will be up for review on June 13 @7pm

I totally did
an thank you so much 

hi thanks for the friend request! have nice day! kisses